Ensure that newcomers quickly feel like members of the team and to provide a mechanism to acculturate the new employee into the organization. Assess the newcomer’s needs, provide proactive assistance and pave the way for a smooth transition.


The P-40 Warhawk static display at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., May 11. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jerry Saslav)
  • Remember your first days on the job? Those initial experiences go a long way in determining how quickly you became an effective, fully contributing member of our workforce.
  • Now, it’s your turn to help ensure that our new employee’s first days on the job provide a successful launch to their career.
  • As a sponsor you are our new employee’s new “best friend.” You are responsible for helping the employee get settled into the organization, their workplace, and the local area.
  • Your basic role is to be available to answer questions or find someone who can; offer suggestions and advice about the organization and local area; and be available to help them find their way around at work.
  • Typically, you can expect to serve as a sponsor from the time of the offer letter to about a month following their entry on duty.


  • Be an active listener.
  • Determine the needs of the newcomer and meet it.
  • If you miss a call, always call back the same day.
  • Be open and honest, but stay positive.
  • If you can't respond to your newcomer's needs, get some help from a supervisor or someone within the organization for further guidance.
  • If for some reason you cannot complete your duties as a sponsor contact your supervisor for appointment of a new sponsor.
  • Keep in mind that being a sponsor is nothing more than being a friend. Think of the kind of help you would want if you were beginning a new job.
  • Be an active sponsor. Engage with the newcomer even if you don’t have an answer to their question yet.
  • Be sure to continually follow up and maintain contact with the employee. 

Beyond the newcomer’s reporting date, the sponsor should remain available to answer questions and provide assistance. Remember, you are his/her “new best friend” in an unfamiliar environment.  Don’t leave them to fend for themselves!


Contact the newcomer via personal email immediately upon your appointment as his/her sponsor and set up a time for a phone call. When calling, here are some helpful reminders:
  • Be sincere and friendly.
  • Focus the conversation on information the newcomer needs to know. 
  • Remember to:
    • Congratulate the newcomer on his/her assignment to your organization. Mention you are his/her sponsor and point of contact until he/she has in-processed and settled in.
    • Include your duty and telephone numbers.
    • Tell the newcomer a little about yourself.
    • Ask about any special needs
      • Is the new employee relocating from out of the area
      • Are there any family needs/concerns
      • Where is the new employee living/moving to and how will he/she commute
  • Encourage newcomers to call and/or email you.
  • Tell newcomers about in-processing procedures. Be sure to solidify how, when and where you will meet him/her prior to their first day. 
  • Ensure new employees have alternate point of contact information (in the event that you become unavailable).
  • Make sure you follow-up.


  • Verify all contact phone numbers and e-mail are up to date and confirm the best method and times to contact the new employee.
  • Confirm meeting place/time/date with employee.
  • Organize employee workspace
    • Identify desk location
    • Ensure desk is empty of materials and clean
    • Ensure supplies are available and the newcomer knows where the supplies are located.
  • Ask the supervisor to contact the local Telephone Control Officer (TCO) and Equipment Custodian (EC) to begin paperwork for acquiring computers, phones, and phone lines for the new employee. 
  • Inform supervisor of your schedule. 

Two Weeks Prior to In-Processing Day

  • Remind supervisor of your schedule
  • Personally meet the newcomer to accompany him/her to the Visitor’s Center for a temporary pass two weeks prior to Reporting Date.
  • Show the newcomer where the Civilian Personnel Office (CPO) is for their in-processing appointment(s)
  • Accompany newcomer to obtain government and vehicle IDs. Remind employee to bring appropriate documentation (driver's license, registration and proof of insurance)
  • Give employee a brief tour of the building
  • Acquiring organizational in-process checklist
  • Verify Supervisor has scheduled in-briefs with Director, or Deputy Director, and Introduction Meeting with coworkers 



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Email: 66.ABG.PA.workflow@us.af.mil