The AFSAC Directorate has nine divisions:
International Logistics Support (WFA), Global Facilities Support (WFE), Financial Management (WFF), International (WFI), Contract Execution (WFK), Central, (WFM), Policy and Programs (WFN), Operations (WFO), Information Technology Services (WFR) 



Mission:  Deliver Air, Space, and Cyberspace capabilities to strengthen International Partnerships and advance National Security.Vision:  AFSAC … Your trusted Air, Space, and Cyberspace Power partner!


The AFSAC Team interacts with nearly 100 Partner Nations daily connecting cultures, nurturing relationships, and collaborating on shared global security interests.


The AFSAC Team develops Air Force Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases to enable global coalitions and support priorities of the six geographic U.S. combatant commands.


The AFSAC mission is directly linked to the Department of Defense and USAF priorities to strengthen relationships with U.S. allies and international partners.


Brig Gen Jeffrey GeraghtyBrig. Gen. Jeffrey T. Geraghty is the Director of the Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, and dual-hatted as Director of International Affairs, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (AFB), Ohio. The directorate is AFMC's Foreign Military Sales enterprise focal point charged with executing a security assistance portfolio valued at more than $305 billion and encompassing six U.S. Geographic Combatant Commands, 100 partner nations, and eight NATO agencies. He executes AFMC foreign disclosure and Arms Export Control Act authorities, develops and implements International Affairs policies across the command, and manages AFMC international logistics programs.

Brig. Gen. Geraghty earned his commission from the U.S. Air Force Academy, and later served as an F-15E pilot in operations Northern Watch and Iraqi Freedom, an F-15/F-16 test pilot, a staff officer in numerous agencies, and a program manager. He completed fellowships at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a Service Chiefs Fellow and at SpaceX as a Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellow. Previously a commander at the squadron, group, and complex levels, he comes to Wright-Patterson after successful command of the 96th Test Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida.


Shawn Lyman bio photoMr. Shawn Lyman is the Deputy Director, Air Force Security Assistance & Cooperation (AFSAC) Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Mr. Lyman is directly responsible for day-to-day business and providing advice and support to the AFSAC Director. He delivers direction, leadership, and management of the Air Force $267+ billion security assistance portfolio supporting foreign military sales to 96 international partner countries and 8 NATO agencies in support of our National Defense Strategy. He also serves as the directorate senior civilian leader responsible for management and mentoring of over 700 civilian and military personnel.

Prior to joining AFSAC Mr. Lyman was the lead for Digital Product Support in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Logistics and Product Support. His responsibility included oversight and integration of the Air Force digital transformation efforts. Previous assignments included Director of Logistics positions in Fighters and Advanced Aircraft Directorate and Fighters and Bombers Directorate. Mr. Lyman served as the Product Support Manager (PSM), Helicopter Program Office, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.


  • Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, USA
  • Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, USA
  • Robins AFB, Georgia, USA
  • Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, USA
  • Hill AFB, Utah, USA
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • Saudi Arabia
  • State of Qatar




The International Logistics Support Division (AFLCMC/WFA) provides Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case development and execution support, and logistics solutions to meet international partner materiel needs in support of the Air Force Global Partnership Strategy.  Our team delivers world class case management, interfaces with DoD’s supply chain on behalf of International Partners, manages unique FMS programs to secure non-standard parts and services, assists with the movement of materiel through international transportation channels, and oversees requests to address discrepant materiel deliveries.  We also provide technical order support to international customers using authorized FMS cases. 

AFLCMC/WFA’s International Support Branch provides case management support and oversight of FMS case development processes.  Case managers specialize in development of 20 unique case types and ensure compliance with FMS case development policies.  
AFLCMC/WFA’s International Logistics Branch manages the following tri-service (Air Force, Army, and Navy) FMS programs:
  • Worldwide Warehouse Redistribution Service (WWRS): an FMS program used by international partners to redistribute (buy/sell) excess inventory through the U.S. Government via a secure, confidential process.
  • Parts and Repair Ordering System (PROS): an FMS program used by international partners to procure non-standard parts, repairs, and services to support their weapon systems.
  • Web Repair and Return System (WebRoR): an FMS system used as a one-stop shop for management of organic repairs.  It is the repair & return process management system hosted on the Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) that interfaces with SAMIS for case financials.



The Contract Execution Division provides contracting solutions for United States Air Force (USAF) and its International Partners in support of the USAF Global Partnership Strategy. The division develops a variety of contracts for people, programs, and processes. Over the past year, the division awarded 117 new contracts valued at $370M. In addition to contract development, the division supports operational initiatives like migrating paper files to electronic files, providing requirements owner guidance to the FMS enterprise, conducting training roadshows focused on process improvements, and ensuring a smooth transition of contracts between Air Force organizations.


The Global Facilities Support Division is responsible for developing and executing Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreements to build and sustain facility and infrastructure capabilities for our international partners. The Division supports the Program Executive Offices (PEOs) by integrating real property requirements with the acquisition and delivery of Department of Air Force weapon systems and associated products throughout all six geographic U.S. combatant commands. In addition to delivering world-class facility design and construction services, the division also offers base operations and security services for our international partners and PEOs. 

The division consists of three branches: the Requirements Branch (WFEA), responsible for the development of Letters of Offer and Acceptance to capture the appropriate infrastructure requirements; and the Central Branch (WFEB) and International Branch (WFEC), responsible for executing design and construction programs for Partner Nations.


The Central Division strengthens international partnerships by delivering and sustaining materiel solutions for partner nations in the Middle East and Africa.  The Division enhances global security and stability by developing, executing, and managing Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases in these regions.
The Division’s portfolio is divided between two branches:  WFMA Branch, which focuses on nations in the Arabian Peninsula, and WFML Branch, which includes the rest of the Middle East and Africa regions.  While Central Division efforts are key to Partner Nation self-defense capability, the Division also strengthens our nation’s industrial capability and stability through its growing $100 billion+ portfolio.


The Operations Division plays a pivotal role in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the AFSAC Directorate, ensuring seamless functioning across its various functions. It’s comprised of three primary branches, each dedicated to specific areas of expertise.

Facilities Management (WFOA): This branch is responsible for maintaining all facilities pertinent to Directorate operations, Safety, support to our Foreign Liaison Officers, Emergency Management, Isolated Personnel Reporting, and management of 20+ separate Government Purchase Cards in support of AFSAC and our Foreign Partners.

AFSAC Human Resources (WFOD): Here, the focus lies on managing AFSAC's human capital programs and initiatives, encompassing both civilian and military personnel matters. This includes handling personnel actions, performance management programs, Employee Management and Labor Relations, employee onboarding, administering the awards program, and facilitating professional development opportunities.

FMS Enterprise Human Resources (WFOE): This branch provides end-to-end resource management across all aspects related to the ~4,000 FMS positions under AFMC, including manpower changes, data analytics, and the Security Cooperation Workforce Certification Program.  Additionally, it manages tools such as the FMS Manpower Costing Tool and RMIS Module, and serves as the Center of Excellence for all OCONUS FMS and DAF assignments and subsequent International Cooperative Administrative Support Services.

Through the collective efforts of these branches, the Operations Division ensures the efficient functioning and support of AFSAC's mission and objectives.



The Financial Management Division is more than just finance; it provides decision support as well. The AFSAC finance team provides authoritative financial management expertise and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) data reporting leadership for the United States Air Force FMS enterprise. The scope of the division includes case financial activities such as forecasting, financial tracking and execution support, case closure, case financial reporting maintenance and upgrades, as well as the budgeting and execution of Admin funds.  The finance team also provides training and leadership for delivery reporting across the FMS enterprise for 100+ international partnerships.

The division consists of three branches:  Admin Financial Analysis and Non-Standard Logistics Branch (WFFA), International Division Case Financial Support / Building Partner Capacity and Case Closure Branch (WFFI), and Central Division Case Financial Support / Delivery Reporting and Systems Integration Branch (WFFQ).


The AFSAC Information Technology (IT) Services Division manages Air Force FMS computer systems for the United States Government and Foreign Liaison Officers.  The IT Services Division provides software sustainment for the Case Management Control System, Security Assistance Management Information System, AFSAC Online, and Enterprise Case Portal.   AFSAC systems integrate with external DoD FMS systems including Defense Security Assistance Management System, Security Cooperation Information Portal, Case Writing System, and Multi-Host Internet Access Portal, all managed by the Defense Information Systems Agency.

In addition to “systems” work, the division provides end-user information technology support and electronic communications capabilities (e.g., IT Help Desk, network access, organizational cybersecurity, etc.) to AFSAC’s 700+ users.


The International Division develops, executes, and manages Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases for four U.S. Combatant Commands: Northern Command, Southern Command, European Command, and Indo-Pacific Command. The division consists of two branches and works directly with International Partners to deliver and sustain air, space, and cyberspace capabilities in support of the United States National Security Strategy.


The Policies and Programs Division guides and enables the AFMC Foreign Military Sales (FMS) enterprise workforce. The division develops, implements, and provides oversight of Security Cooperation, Security Assistance, and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) policies, programs, and processes for the AFMC FMS enterprise, and is the Foreign Disclosure Office for the Command. The division also operates the FMS Schoolhouse and includes the FMS Data Visualization and Analytics (DVA) team. The FMS Schoolhouse is a robust one-stop training platform for the FMS workforce and Foreign Liaison Officers (FLOs). The DVA effort is a significant modernization initiative to improve visibility of all FMS case activity for more than 100 International Partners.

The Division also supports the Department of State Iran–United States Claims Tribunal team in the international arbitral tribunal resolving claims between the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America.  The division includes AFSAC Mission Support Offices at Hanscom, Hill, Robins, and Tinker providing support to the AFLCMC Mission Execution Directorate FMS Program Offices at these geographically separated installations.


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