Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) and Rotary Division (AFLCMC/WIU) is comprised of approximately 480 personnel primarily located at Robins AFB with personnel operating at Hurlburt Field, FL; Redstone Arsenal, AL; Corpus Christi Army Depot, TX; Cannon AFB, NM; Marine Corp Air Station Cherry Point, NC; and Kadena AB, Japan. WIU is responsible for providing combat capabilities through acquisition, modification, and sustainment for the MC-130H Combat Talon II, AC-130W Stinger II, EC-130J Commando Solo, TH-1H Huey II, UH-1N Iroquois, and HH-60G PAVE HAWK aircraft fleets. Also, the Division provides modification and sustainment support for special mission C-130s including the AC-130J, HC-130J, MC-130J and sustainment support for the HH-60W and MH-139A ACAT I aircraft programs. The Division supports three Program Executive Officers (ISR/SOF, USSOCOM FW, and USSOCOM C4) in executing over 100 acquisition/sustainment programs/projects for these Low Density/High Demand aircraft. Additionally, they work with four Lead Commands (Air Force Special Operations Command, Air Combat Command, Air Force Global Strike Command, and Air Education and Training Command), six using commands, and United States Special Operations Command for aircraft at over 25 locations worldwide providing ~2,000 technical assistance actions annually.