Airmen and Guardians looking to help inspire, engage and recruit the future force by participating first-hand in events that enhance the Department of the Air Force’s recruiting mission are encouraged to look into the We Are All Recruiters, or WEAR, program.
A WEAR event is characterized by the direct interaction of Air Force and Space Force personnel who educate and increase public awareness of the Air Force and Space Force and could potentially provide numerous leads for recruiters, aiding the recruiting mission.
“As part of our whole of service approach to recruiting, and the ‘Go Blue-Stay Blue’ campaign, we need Airmen and Guardians to connect with their local communities through visible participation in community activities, volunteer work and speaking opportunities that allow them to tell their Air Force story,” said Brig. Gen. Lisa Craig, Air Force Recruiting Service deputy commander. “All Airmen and Guardians, regardless of their specialty, should think of themselves as recruiters, and the WEAR program is a great way for them to help find and attract the best of America’s talent to serve.”
Approval for WEAR program is limited to those events where Airmen are directly speaking to potential applicants or influencers about Air Force opportunities; mere attendance at an event does not qualify. Applicants are defined as individuals within the 17- to 39-year-old range; and influencers are defined as parents, community leaders, teachers, counselors, coaches, etc.
Members may receive up to 14 total days permissive TDY to attend WEAR events each year. WEAR events are approved on an individual basis. For those events where multiple Airmen are attending, each attendee must submit a completed form for approval. WEAR requests must be first approved by the individual's commander in accordance with AFI 36-3003.
One Airman’s WEAR Experience
Airman 1st Class Octavia Tann, a personnel programs manager with 2nd Air Force at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, recently took advantage of the WEAR program after learning about it on myPers. Tann proactively reached out to her former high school’s JROTC instructors in Dudley, North Carolina, as well as Staff Sgt. Charles Coffin, a local Air Force recruiter with the 337th Recruiting Squadron based in Goldsboro, to create and host a two-part event at her former school May 12.
The first part of the event, which Tann coordinated herself in partnership with the school and Air Force Recruiting, consisted of an open question and answer period that allowed students the opportunity to ask Tann questions about her experiences in the Air Force. Tann also shared photos and squadron gear from Basic Military Training. She also highlighted a few of the awards she has earned while on active duty.
“I also extended the opportunity for the local recruiter to come to the school during the event,” Tann said. “Staff Sgt. Coffin came out with swag for the students, and shared his knowledge and thoughts about what the future could hold if or when they decided to join the U.S. Air Force.”
In addition to the Q&A session, Tann led a physical training session during the JROTC’s regularly scheduled fitness day, where the students got the chance to take part in exercises used at BMT.
“We used the exercises directly out of my BMT book, giving the cadets a real look into what they would experience during training,” Tann said.
Sharing her own Air Force story and bringing the idea of an Air Force career to life personally helped Tann connect with the students.
“The event helped USAF recruiting because I was able to have small group interactions with the students,” Tann said after the event at Southern Wayne High School. “Because I was open to questions and they felt as though they related to me, they could see themselves through me. The students thanked me for my time and told me how much they enjoyed the chance to learn more about the Air Force.”
How To Submit WEAR Requests
Interested members should submit WEAR participation requests via the AFRS Standard Form 10 by completing Blocks I-IV and return it to the AFRS public affairs office at If the form does not display, it can be downloaded and edited.
The package will be reviewed by AFRS public affairs and forwarded to the AFRS commander for approval or disapproval. Submissions require a minimum of 10 business days to process. Approved requests will be returned to the individual with the signature of the AFRS commander or their designated representative. Additionally, the AFRS commander may limit the number of Air Force personnel approved to participate in any one event through the WEAR program.
NOTE: Please submit the WEAR form with electronic signatures; do not send scanned forms. Additionally, to participate, members must be in good standing and have a passing PT score.