Dec. 16, 2021 International Officers at Wright-Patt Give Back to Dayton Community The Foreign Liaison Officers (FLOs) of AFSAC at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base recently organized a donation drive for the Dayton Foodbank.
Dec. 15, 2021 First flight ceremonies will mark 118th anniversary of powered flight Wright-Patterson Air Force Base officials will commemorate the 118th anniversary of achieving powered flight Friday, December 17.
Dec. 10, 2021 Country managers provide targeted support Three command country managers recently had a discussion of their experiences on AFLCMC’s Leadership Log podcast.
Nov. 5, 2021 International Spouse Group at Wright-Patt hosts traditional Thanksgiving luncheon for members The International Spouse Group hosts American Thanksgiving, with traditional fixings and sides from around the world.
Oct. 8, 2021 AFSAC-D wins intramural softball championship AFSAC-D has taken home the 2021 intramural softball league championship.