• AFMC releases updated telework guidance

    The Air Force Materiel Command has released an updated guide to provide employees and supervisors with a one-stop reference to policies and procedures governing telework activity across the mission set. The 25-page document covers all aspects of telework, to include eligibility, training, pay, leave

  • AFMC reinforces value of mentoring, AFMC We Need

    To ensure the command and the Air Force has a strong leadership base to fly, fight and win into the future, the Air Force Materiel Command continues to encourage personnel at all levels to participate in mentorship programs in 2021.

  • Hanscom SC accelerates change through mission enhancement

    Specialists from the Hanscom Communications and Information Division, or SC, are supporting the “AFMC We Need” initiative by improving business practices. The division is focused on aiding Airmen-driven enhancement, process improvement and innovation that leaders say was put into hyper-speed because

  • Agile Patriot guides, grows future AFMC leaders

    The Air Force Materiel Command held the first-ever Agile Patriot professional development conference, Nov. 2-5, equipping emerging leaders with a greater understanding of the AFMC mission and the knowledge, skills and expertise to help lead the organization into the future.

  • New AFMC supervisor course aims to develop stronger leaders

    The course is a complement to the mandatory supervisor training provided by the Air Force and offers supervisors in-depth knowledge of personnel and workplace policies as well as the opportunity for practical application of concepts through case studies and collaborative learning.

  • AFMC successfully navigates Fiscal Year 2020 challenges

    With a focus rooted in the ability to sustain the mission and an eye towards long-term expansion and growth, the Air Force Materiel Command successfully executed a $67 billion portfolio in Fiscal Year 2020, ensuring operational mission success for our warfighters.