Melanie Marshall serves as Director, Acquisition Center of Excellence, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (AFB), Ohio. As Director, she oversees the provision of acquisition planning, execution, and specialized support needs for over 17 Program Executive Officer-led directorates, programs, centers and wings across the acquisition community. Her span of control crosses Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as well as five additional Operational Locations. Marshall served as Deputy Chief, Helicopter Program Office (HPO), Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Special Operations Forces Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center.
As Deputy Chief of the Acquisition Category (ACAT) 1C HH-60W or Combat Rescue Helicopter program valued at $10.2B, she supported leadership of 135+ individuals in the on-time development, integration, and delivery of aircraft, training systems, and product support to replace the aging HH-60G fleet with an upgraded Combat Search and Rescue capability providing increased range, hover, and survivability. Additionally, as Deputy for the 243 member organization, she oversaw organize, train, and equip responsibilities for both the HH-60W as well as the MH-139A program, an ACAT 1B program under the HPO Division. This program, valued at over $3.5B will replace the current UH-1N Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Security capability with an off-the-shelf helicopter equipped with Non-Developmental Item modifications to provide increased carrying capacity, airspeed, and endurance.