• First ACC EA-37B delivered to Davis-Monthan AFB

    The 55th Wing, 55th Electronic Combat Group, and 43rd Electronic Combat Squadron received ACC’s first EA-37B Compass Call during a delivery ceremony at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona.

  • First E-11A BACN arrives at Robins AFB

    An E-11A BACN, Battlefield Airborne Communications Node, arrived on April 24, 2023, at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. The arrival of the first BACN, often pronounced bacon, established one of the four new mission sets coming to Robins AFB, and falls under the newly activated 18th Airborne Command

  • AF Year in Photos

    This year's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This annual feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AFCENT's 609th AOC shifts to user-focused software suite

    On Nov. 20, 2022, Airmen from Kessel Run, the Air Force’s system program office for the Air Operations Center Enterprise, replaced the 609th Air Operations Center’s legacy Theater Battle Management Core System with its own suite of applications.

  • Air Force selects future aircrew helmet

    The Air Force selected LIFT Airborne Technologies in April to continue with prototype development of a new helmet for Air Force fixed-wing aircrew.Air Combat Command initiated the search for a next-generation helmet to address issues with long-term neck and back injuries, optimize aircraft