AcqDemo Life Cycle Training Course to prep workforce for upcoming expansion

  • Published
  • By Marisa Alia-Novobilski
  • Air Force Materiel Command

The Air Force Materiel Command will host a series of virtual AcqDemo Life Cycle Training courses starting Jan. 27, open to all current and projected AFMC AcqDemo supervisors and employees.

The courses, hosted by AFMC center personnel teams, will provide information and training on all aspects of the AcqDemo performance management system. Topics to be covered include:

  • Creating Contribution Plans
  • Midterm reviews
  • Employee self-assessments
  • Supervisor appraisals
  • Contribution scoring
  • Pay Pools
  • …and more!

The goal is to ensure employees and supervisors are prepared ahead of the conversion from the general schedule system to the Acquisition Demonstration Project in June 2025.

AFMC center training schedules and links will be sent by email to all employees. Individuals should download and review the Employee Guide to Contribution-Based Compensation and Appraisal System  prior to training. In addition, employees should complete the three-hour AcqDemo 101 online course ahead of attending an AFMC training event.

The proposed training schedule is available at AcqDemo CCAS Training Schedule. Employees should watch their email for the links to the training events.

For more information on AcqDemo and the AFMC planned expansion, visit