New air-to-surface weapon achieves milestone release

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EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- A tactical air-to-surface missile, known as the Stand-in Attack Weapon, successfully released from a 40th Flight Test Squadron F-16 Fighting Falcon for the first time Nov. 7 over the Gulf of Mexico.

The goal of the test was to prove the new weapon could separate from an aircraft successfully, a major milestone, so further testing can begin.

SIAW drop

The new SiAW missile is designed to provide strike capability against rapidly relocatable targets like cruise and antiship missile launchers and jamming platforms. The test missile used, called a jettison test vehicle, contained no rocket motor or internal electronics.  The JTV is a tool used specifically to determine whether the weapon safely separates from the aircraft upon commanded release.

This milestone test brought together a host of 96th Test Wing units to coordinate, monitor and execute this mission.

Test conductors planned and controlled the mission out of the Eglin Central Control Facility. Engineers monitored the separation and will conduct post-flight analysis soon.  Pilots and photographers flew the mission and captured the aerial test footage.

The Air Force Armament Directorate is responsible for SiAW program.

“Successful execution of this test was a testament to the outstanding teamwork from everyone involved,” said Maj. James Tipton, 780th Test Squadron assistant director of operations.