MRO Enters Limited Deployment

  • Published
  • By Eric Branum

On July 25, 2024, the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) system received approval to “go-live” and deployed to the Propulsion Maintenance Group at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla.

The Air Force Sustainment Center (AFSC) wasted no time as it used MRO to perform maintenance actions on Public-Private Partnership Workloads involving the F119 engine in the first few weeks.

Enhanced Hypercare Support is providing heightened customer support and attention as production operations commence. This initial deployment includes over 500 users across both the finance and maintenance community and represents the culmination of years of planning and design, build, and testing of the MRO system.

This first limited deployment allows the AFSC to reduce risk before expanding to larger workloads.

MRO development and implementation has been a team effort with the AFSC product owner participation in the development and test process; infrastructure and services from the Enterprise Resource Planning Common Services program; interface support from trading partners; interoperability testing by the Joint Interoperability Test Command; and test support by the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center.

MRO provides an integrated capability for planning, scheduling, and executing organic depot maintenance to support agile planning, optimized workload assignment, resource allocation, integrated quality, and maintenance- driven Department of the Air Force Working Capital Fund financials auditability.

The first MRO release was built using a mature commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software product. The System Implementer customized it using a limited number of Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Extensions, and Workflows (RICE-W) to address the Air Force’s unique needs.

Agile scrum teams will iteratively add capabilities to support additional workloads and functions. Iterative deployments will provide updated training, workload specific data, and user provisioning, ultimately supporting approximately 20,000 users across AFSC.