WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The Junior Force Council held their annual Leadership Symposium at the Wright-Patt Club on Sept. 12, 2024. The event had 200 employees register for the symposium: half of those being first year employees at Wright-Patt.
Chief Master Sergeant Tessa Fontaine, 88th Air Base Wing Command Chief, was the keynote speaker for the event. She shared stories about her time in the Air Force and her family life. She gave advice about having the courage to be a leader, standing up for what’s right and self-care being important. “End every feedback session with, ‘How am I doing?’ Receiving feedback is just as important as giving it,” said Chief Fontaine.
After Chief Fontaine spoke, attendees participated in a “speed networking” challenge. During the session, symposium participants had the opportunity to meet others from base and discuss key issues facing junior employees. All participants had the opportunity to anonymously submit feedback that was sent directly to senior leaders.
The symposium had multiple workshops for the attendees to choose from including, “Bridging the Generational Gap in the Workplace” with Mr. Josh Copeland and “Networking Strategy: Referral Partnerships” with Mr. Gery Deer. In total, 37 speakers and resource fair presenters supported this event including senior leaders Colonel Dustin Richards, 88th Air Base Wing commander, Mr. John Faulkner, 88th Air Base Wing Vice Director, Colonel Matthew Muha, 445th Air Lift Wing Deputy Commander, and Mr. Dennis D’Angelo, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Executive Director.
The Junior Force Council, the host of this event, works to develop Air Force leaders through professional development, leadership, service, and networking opportunities. Lexi Heironimus, NASIC, helped put this event together. “The Wright-Patterson Junior Force Leadership Symposium is the one event that we put on a year that gives us an opportunity to grow in our leadership and development skills. So, we provide an opportunity for people to network, and also learn from professionals that are on base, and also outside of base from the Greater Dayton community,” said Heironimus.
If you interested in joining the Wright-Patterson Junior Force Council or want to attend the next Leadership Symposium, follow this link: https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/l/team/19%3Adod%3A2e6849f283864339849759affafaf324%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=47c1a93f-e265-4435-975a-9248187c0652&tenantId=8331b18d-2d87-48ef-a35f-ac8818ebf9b4