HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- 66th Air Base Group leadership presented 19 annual awards to military and civilian personnel in individual and team categories during an annual awards ceremony here Feb. 9.
Col. Taona Enriquez, 66 ABG commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Charles Desaulniers, 66 ABG acting command chief, hosted the ceremony at the Massachusetts National Guard Joint Force Headquarters located on the installation.
“It’s imperative that we pause this afternoon to recognize the exemplary efforts of our military and civilian teammates,” said Enriquez. “Today we celebrate all those who embody our vision and contribute to the advancement of our installation capabilities.”
The sports-themed event included many Airmen and civilians donning their favorite sports jerseys.
“We salute the quiet heroes among our ranks - the civilian, enlisted and officers - who accomplish their missions without asking for recognition,” said Desaulniers. “While your work may not always be in the spotlight, know that we are immensely proud of all you do to ensure our collective success.”
The ceremony streamed live (and can be watched) on the installation’s official Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/HanscomAirForceBase.
Kevin Dougherty, an Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital in Bedford, Mass., employee, performed live music during the ceremony.
Congratulations to the following award winners:
Airman of the Year: Senior Airman Ling Yu, 66th Comptroller Squadron
Noncommissioned Officer of the Year: Tech. Sgt. Michael Kearns, Jr., 66th Force Support Squadron
Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year: Master Sgt. Lesli Pape, 66th Air Base Group
First Sergeant of the Year: Master Sgt. Philip Bolduc, 66th Medical Squadron
Company Grade Officer of the Year: 1st Lt. Christopher McEachran, 66th Security Forces Squadron
Field Grade Officer of the Year: Maj. John Blue Star, 66th Medical Squadron
Individual Mobilization Augmentee of the Year – Senior NCO: Senior Master Sgt. Sean Lauzier, 66th Security Forces Squadron
Individual Mobilization Augmentee of the Year – Field Grade Officer: Lt. Col. Kyle Kilimonis, 66th Security Forces Squadron
Civilian Category 1 of the Year: Hayley Smith, 66th Force Support Squadron
Civilian Category 2 of the Year: Dominique Bouchard, 66th Comptroller Squadron
Civilian Category 3 of the Year: Jocelyn Foo, 66th Comptroller Squadron
Non-appropriated Fund Category 1 of the Year: Gabby Clark, 66th Force Support Squadron
Non-appropriated Fund Category 2 of the Year: Jennifer Hassey, 66th Force Support Squadron
Non-appropriated Fund Category 3 of the Year: Christina Turmel, 66th Force Support Squadron
Family Child Care Provider of the Year: Danette Peralta
Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year: Tech. Sgt. Mourice McDuffie, 66th Force Support Squadron
Base Honor Guard Member of the Year: Tech. Sgt. Richard Leger, 66th Force Support Squadron
Large Team of the Year: Operations Flight, 66th Security Forces Squadron
Small Team of the Year: Mental Health, 66th Medical Squadron