WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BAES, Ohio -- Wright-Patterson Medical Center will transition to the Military Health System’s new electronic health record June 3.
Through MHS GENESIS, beneficiaries will be able to view their health information, exchange secure messages with care teams, request prescription renewals, view notes from clinical visits, see lab results and access a health library. The new patient portal will replace the TRICARE Online Patient Portal and secure email messaging.
The ability to make appointments through the portal will come later as the 88th Medical Group completes the full implementation process, officials said.
MHS GENESIS also delivers data to health care teams wherever patients receive treatment – whether it’s at a medical facility within the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs or Coast Guard. This record will stay with service members from the time of their enlistment through veteran status.
Service members, retirees and their families will be able to securely access their medical records from any electronic device 24/7 with both their inpatient and outpatient records integrated across the continuum of care, regardless of where in the Department of Defense they receive care.
Col Dale Harrell, 88 MDG commander
“Our staff has been preparing to go live with MHS GENESIS for over a year, and we are excited to join the rest of the U.S. military treatment facilities in implementing this new single electronic health record,” said Col Dale Harrell, 88 MDG commander. “Service members, retirees and their families will be able to securely access their medical records from any electronic device 24/7 with both their inpatient and outpatient records integrated across the continuum of care, regardless of where in the Department of Defense they receive care.”
Patients who have not previously used DS Logon are encouraged to register for access to the new MHS GENESIS Patient Portal at https://patientportal.mhsgenesis.health.mil. They can also access their online health record by using a Common Access Card or Defense Finance and Accounting Service account credentials.
Wright-Patterson Medical Center’s patient portal will not be active until after June 3, but an account can be created at any time.
The Defense Health Agency recommends keeping copies of personal records. If feasible, scan the hard-copy documents to digital and back up on an external hard drive, ensuring proper storage safeguards to protect personal information.
As Wright-Patterson Medical Center transitions to MHS GENESIS, patients can expect an increase in wait times and reduction in available appointments as health care teams adapt office and clinic practices to new, standardized workflows. Based on industry averages, and the DOD’s experience, it takes roughly 90 days for providers to adjust to the new system and return to normal wait times, officials said.
Patients can take steps now to prepare for MHS GENESIS implementation, to include:
PRIMARY CARE: If a primary care appointment is needed between May and July, patients should make it as soon as possible to avoid delays during the MHS GENESIS transition. This will help you stay on track with routine care, wellness exams and health screenings.
SAME-DAY CARE: Patients should first call the medical center’s appointment line, to check for open or reopened appointments due to cancellations. If there is no availability, another option is to visit a TRICARE-authorized urgent care center for same-day, acute needs. Beneficiaries, other than active-duty service members, don’t need a referral to receive treatment at a TRICARE-authorized urgent care center.
CALL THE NURSE ADVICE LINE: The Military Health System’s Nurse Advice Line can triage and assist with obtaining appropriate care. Call 800-874-2273, option 1.