Wright-Patterson AFB, OH -- The Contracting Information Technology (CON-IT) system was established in 2018 as the contract management system for the Department of the Air Force (DAF) to reduce costs, create efficiency on both ends of the contract, and provide flexibility for ongoing success. The latest improvements in functionality help support the Air Force’s goal of providing a single contract writing system for the entire enterprise.
The most recent release of CON-IT (version 3.04), available in November 2022, was the largest release in the history of the program. The following chart illustrates the magnitude of the effort (which is a combination of new features and bug fixes) put into the latest release compared to the past year.

The functionality changes were completed to comply with Procurement Data Standard (PDS) version 2.6.1 and improve performance when working with line items. This functionality is critical to the success of CON-IT’s ability to support the migration and management of ConWrite contracts. In addition to performance improvements, filtering and navigation tabs have been improved for the line items grid. Performance improvements include increased scalability of the system to support over 1,700 simultaneous users and increase system speed (from 1,514 milliseconds to 369 milliseconds) when many line items exist. The PDS version 2.6.1 provided the ability for users to format the text (such as, bold, italic, highlight, bullets, numbering, tables) included in clauses and miscellaneous text fields.
The entire CON-IT program showed incredible flexibility in accelerating this delivery. SAF/AQCI (Air Force Contracting) and the Program Management Office (PMO) engaged with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) team daily to decrease the turn-around time in answering questions for the development teams.