AFSAC Data Visualization and Analytics growing across Air Force FMS

  • Published
  • By Jonathan Tharp, Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE (AFLCMC) – 2022 is bringing unprecedented growth in Data Visualization and Analytics (DVA) across the Air Force Foreign Military Sales (FMS) enterprise. Since 2020, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s (AFLCMC) Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate (AFSAC) Metrics Team has led a major initiative to modernize FMS case data systems. The AFSAC DVA capability replaces ad hoc reports pulled manually from data sources such as the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) with automated data dashboards hosted on a Tableau server.

The AFSAC DVA capability has rapidly expanded to six AFLCMC Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and counting with over 80 Tableau users from PEO organizations. “Using Tableau, AFSAC and PEO leadership get the data needed for real-time data-driven decision making,” explained Brig Gen Luke Cropsey, director of AFSAC. “Inside the DVA capability, the AFSAC Metrics Team built 82 dashboards for comprehensive Air Force FMS case lifecycle analysis.”

With the new DVA capability integrated, AFSAC leadership is excited about what AFSAC and the Air Force FMS Enterprise can potentially do in years to come. For example, on-demand status reporting on the $230 billion AFMC FMS enterprise would replace time consuming data pulls from disparate systems, and predictive analytics could enable specific case development and implementation forecasting.

“The AFSAC DVA capability is a true game-changer,” emphasized Cropsey. “It’s allowing us to be much more proactive in FMS development and anticipate greater win-win opportunities for U.S. National Defense and our international partners.”

As the DVA effort matures, the Air Force FMS enterprise will continue to see unprecedented decision-informing capabilities for all kinds of initiatives spanning case development and execution, agile resourcing, program management office (PMO) workload tracking, facilities alignment, and more.

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