In September 1944, the packaging function was organized under the Army Air Corps as the Packaging Branch, Engineering Standards Division, at Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson AFB) in Ohio.
In 1955, the Packaging Engineering Section was established at Brookley AFB. With the impending closure of Brookley AFB, the packaging organization returned to Wright-Patterson AFB, and was assigned to HQ Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) on July 6, 1967.
The mid-1980s saw a major shift in Air Force Packaging Evaluation Activity (AFPEA) workload from trying to field-fix existing problems to preventing them.  On July 1, 1991 the Packaging Policy office was reassigned as a branch of AFPEA and physically moved into Building 70 on Area A. AFPEA officially ended on Oct. 1, 1994, when the Air Force formed the AFMC Logistics Support Office (LSO), and we were renamed AFPTEF.
During the 1990s, we greatly expanded our design capability with parametric computer design systems and rapid prototyping. Container testing was upgraded with the purchase of nearly $1M of new test equipment.  This put AFPTEF in the position of being one of the best equipped organizations of its type in the government.
In 1998, a decision was made that resulted in AFPTEF being downsized and converted to a fee-for-service organization.
In 1998, AFPTEF was downsized and transitioned into a reimbursable organization under AFMC LSO/LOP. Following the reassignment as fee-for-service office, AFPTEF was placed under a number of organizational structures over the next few years. In 2008, we moved under AFMC 403 SCMS/GUEB. Then in 2012, we moved under AFMC AFSC/LOEP. Finally, AFPTEF was placed in the Life Cycle Management Center Engineering Directorate in 2014 and currently operates there as AFMC AFLCMC/EZPAA.



Air Force Packaging Technology and Engineering Facility
5215 Thurlow Street
Suite 5, Building 70, Area A
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-5540
Commercial Phone: 937-257-3362