C-5 CPAB TIM - Charleston, SC
Start Date/Time:
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
End Date/Time:
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
No Federal Endorsement Implied. 

The 2025 C-5 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Board (CPAB) Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) is scheduled April 1-3, 2025, at Embassy Suites, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina

The target audience requested to attend is Field-level maintenance personnel to include Aircraft Structural Maintenance-Corrosion Control, Metals Technology, Crew Chiefs, Fuel Cell maintainers and Quality Assurance personnel that have knowledge of C-5 corrosion-related concerns.
Additionally, MAJCOM Corrosion Managers, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from Air Force Corrosion Prevention and Control Office, C-5 Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) maintainers and C-5 System Program Office (SPO) Engineering are requested to guide CPAB discussions, crucial to future C-5 aircraft sustainment.  Other SPO’s supporting aircraft corrosion programs are invited.   

CPAB Registration:  All attendees are required to register in advance and free registration can be completed by visiting 2025 CPAB TIM.  The deadline is March 21, 2025.
  • 50 rooms have been blocked/reserved from March 31-April 4, at below per diem rates. Rooms must be reserved by February 28, 2025, at which time unreserved rooms will be released.  The room rates of $279.00 per night (excluding tax) includes a complimentary daily hot breakfast buffet and evening reception. The C-5 CPAB TIM will be conducted on the hotel premises and lodging reservations can be made at C-5 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Board  or call 843-981-5700.
  • A Landing Fee of $20 will be collected on the first day to cover refreshments which is reimbursable when submitting your travel voucher.
  • The Icebreaker will be held in the hotel’s social area March 31, 2025, @ 1730.
MAJCOM Representatives, please prepare presentations or updates regarding the future operational demands of the C-5 Super Galaxy Aircraft.  Field-Level representatives from each C-5 base are required to submit an Action Item (AI) and provide a topic/briefing for group discussion NLT 14 Mar 2025. Submit CPAB AI presentations to either of the following APC C-5 Corrosion Control Support Team members: tshoemaker@advproj.com, thutchins@advproj.com, sdolney@advproj.com, dperham@advproj.com, jkane@advproj.com and/or jburnett@advproj.com

Please limit briefings to 20 minutes unless otherwise approved.  The C-5 CPAB brochure is in-work (draft) and will be distributed via email prior to the TIM. 
Technical Interchange Tour: The C-5 CPAB TIM will include a tour of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner Production Facility on April 2, 2025.

If you have any questions or require additional information, feel free to reach out to me at 302-670-4745 or email tshoemaker@advproj.com.
Owned by Allyson Crawford On Wednesday, December 18, 2024