Workflow email address: 88abw.ja@us.af.mil
Commercial number: 937-257-6142

The 88th Air Base Wing office of the Staff Judge Advocate provides high-quality legal advice and support in the areas of civil law, contract law, labor law, environmental law, claims and military justice for courts-martial and non-judicial punishment actions. The Office also provides legal assistance to individual military members, retirees and family members on personal, non-criminal legal matters.  

For more information, visit the 88th ABW JA office online.


Workflow email address: 754.ja@us.af.mil
Commercial number: 334-416-4453


Workflow email:  66abg.ja.workflow@us.af.mil
Commercial number: 781-225-1410

The 66 ABG/JA has four divisions to support Hanscom and its tenants. JAC assists with the personal legal needs of active duty military members, dependents, retirees and those who are otherwise eligible for legal assistance under 10 U.S.C. §1044.

JAC offers attorney consultations, powers of attorney, notary services and single-day will drafting and execution. JAC also assists Hanscom commanders with a myriad of legal issues to include military justice, administrative actions, claims and civil law.

JAA is the General and Administrative Law Division and is responsible for providing legal advice in the areas of Advisory and Assistance Service contracts, Federally Funded Research and Development Center contracts, procurement fraud, ethics, labor law and operational contracting.

JAN and JAS provide the Battle Management and C3I&N Directorates with legal advice and support the Air Force Lifecycle Management Center and other acquisition programs assigned to the 66 ABG/JA with all contract formation and administration issues.


Judge Advocate Office
Commercial Phone: 937-255-0224
Email: AFLCMCJAWorkFlowmail@us.af.mil