MEMORANDUM FOR PUBLIC RELEASE - MOBILITY Digital Materiel Management Strategy

    1. The Mobility Directorate Digital Materiel Management (DMM) Charter defines the organization framework for oversight and implementation of the Mobility DMM strategy.
    2. The Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) DMM initiatives are:
      1. Structuring and securing data
      2. Modernizing IT infrastructure
      3. Providing access to DMM tools
      4. Training the digital workforce
      5. Instilling a digital-first culture
      6. Developing digital strategies
    3. The outcomes of the Mobility Digital Enterprise (DE) must benefit the mission of Air Mobility Command (AMC) and Air Education and Training Command (AETC). 
    4. The Mobility DMM strategy is an “integrated digital approach” across program management, financial management, engineering, configuration management, contracting, logistics, security, intelligence and test and evaluation to support processes and lifecycle activities and create digital threads.
    5. The end goal for our weapon systems is to have digital twins that access a common government/industry source of data.
Digital Materiel Management activities are ingrained in all we do
Utilize all available Digital Materiel Management tools to match the airlift, tanker and trainer urgency and accelerate change.
The Mobility DMM approach shall be scalable, integrated, model-based, cloud-based, automated, virtual, and use open system architecture. This approach shall improve processes, competition, cost, schedule, performance, informed decision making, communication, predictability, commonality, efficiency or accuracy for use throughout the lifecycle.
  1. Educate and train the workforce in digital transformation.
  2. Integrate digital transformation practices into Mobility program office activities.
  3. Communicate and adopt best practices.
  4. Standardize use of existing tools, processes, and cloud services.  Identify new and emerging digital tools and trends.
  5. New acquisitions shall be born digital.  For existing systems, every permanent modification shall be born digital.
  1. GOALS
  1. Formalize the development, and use of models to inform enterprise and program decision making.
  2. Provide an enduring, authoritative source of truth.
  3. Incorporate technological innovation to improve the digital enterprise.
  4. Establish a supporting infrastructure and environments to perform activities, collaborate, and communicate across stakeholders.
  5. Transform the culture and workforce to adopt and support digital across the lifecycle.


Digital Materiel Management


Mobility Directorate 
Commercial Phone: 937-255-9300