SPERS Weapon System Sustainment Release v2.5

  • Published
  • By Nathan Carr

The Sustainment Planning, Execution, and Reporting System (SPERS) Capability Delivery Team (CDT) recently deployed software release v2.5, supporting the Air Force Program Objective Memorandum (POM) process.

The SPERS mission is to deliver a comprehensive, integrated, and responsive system that enables the Air Force and Department of Defense (DoD) to meet their mission requirements for Depot Level Maintenance (DLM) through the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).

The SPERS v2.5 release supports the development of a $22 billion annual Weapon System Sustainment POM submission to the Air Force corporate structure.

This release provides 125 program groups with the ability to optimize funding to Air Force priorities. It delivers a three-year funded workload forecast for the three Air Force organic depots. It supports over 4,500 requirements per year through FYDP +2 (seven years’ data). The release supports six fund holders and nine Major Commands across the Department of the Air Force.

“With the Oct. 31, 2024, release, the fund holders will be able to establish funding targets for each of the programs, and the program offices will be able to spread the funding to Weapon System Sustainment (WSS) requirements to optimize support to the warfighter,” said Charles Weeks, the Product Support Management Division Deputy and SPERS Functional Owner. “In addition, the system provides the WSS Centralized Asset Management Governance approved position to the Air Force corporate structure in the development of the Air Force budget.”

This release of SPERS moves towards the goal of delivering a cost-effective single source capability for the sustainment community and necessary information to support the WSS planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process.

SPERS is a tool that combines the capabilities of multiple legacy sustainment systems to provide a comprehensive system for managing sustainment data. Its purpose is providing a cloud-based DLM tool for managing requirements, establishing and assigning Program Control Numbers for depot workloads, and performing budget planning that captures the unconstrained and constrained requirements in support of Air Force and DoD processes.

SPERS operates using Agile methodology to ensure the customer is receiving quality capability in an iterative manner while maintaining flexibility and continuous communication among the CDT, functional community, and development team.