AFMC to host resilience, readiness-focused Spouse and Family Forum

  • Published
  • By Marisa Alia-Novobilski
  • Air Force Materiel Command

The Air Force Materiel Command will host a virtual Spouse and Family Forum, Nov. 6, at 3:30 p.m. ET on Microsoft TEAMS.

The forum will focus on family readiness and resiliency, and it is open to all AFMC uniformed and civilian personnel and family members.

The purpose of the event is to highlight tools and resources available to family members to help bolster readiness for potential challenges related to Great Power Competition and the future fight.

The event is sponsored by the AFMC Community Action Team and is part of the AFMC Family Connection initiative, which continues efforts to better connect uniformed and civilian family members across the command with support and resources in all aspects of life.

The invitation and link to the TEAMS event will be sent to employees via internal channels prior to the event. AFMC personnel are asked to forward this information to their family members to encourage widespread attendance. Organization Key Support Liaisons and AFMC installation Family Readiness Centers will also have the link available for those interested.

For additional information or to receive the link, individuals can email the AFMC Community Support Program team at