WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio--- The 88th Force Support Squadron’s annual Education Fair was held July 24, 2024, at the Wright-Patt Club.
“Education is a mutually beneficial and reinforcing benefit,” said Col. Dustin Richards, 88th Air Base Wing commander. “It can help our Airmen and our men and women working on the installation improve themselves and do their jobs better and also serve as a motivation for them to come into the military so that they can get their education and then go off and do something different.”
Approximately 48 educational institutions and on-base organizations provided information about the admission process, financial aid and many other topics related to education opportunities and benefits for military members, veterans and civilians.
The Ohio Department of Workforce Education and Development also participated in the event.
“The education fair offers an amazing opportunity for our airmen, civilians and family members to be exposed to a wide variety of colleges and other institutions of higher learning, as well as base organizations that can help them further their development,” Richards said.
Several briefings about benefits and programs available to military members, veterans and Department of Defense civilians were provided during the event. Among those briefing was military tuition assistance, Veterans Affairs education benefits, Skill Bridge and commissioning.
For Matthew Preissler, an education service specialist, events like these also allow Airmen and, Guardians, and dependents to ask questions about what is available now and after their service commitment ends.
“Members will be able to qualify for positions where they can get a job as a DOD contractor, government service employee, or work somewhere out in the local community wherever they decide to settle down after they separate or retire,” Preissler said.
For more information about education benefits, contact the Base Education Office at 937-255-9955 or email at wpafbeducation@us.af.mil.